ICYMI: 1st Meeting Recap!

2 years ago

Our guest speaker for our first night was the 31 y/o mayor of Tom Bean, Daniel P Harrison!

He shared his inspiring story, encouraged people to get involved, to ask “what next?” when we accomplish a goal (instead of basking in our laurels), surround themselves with a team of quality people, and even described the mechanics of meeting with all the various people needed to bring more residents to Tom Bean so it can grow.

I also acknowledged some lessons learned: this being the first meeting was like taking a first step, and realizing how to take the next step better!

Next in the video here I describe the three goals I have for our group (which is much larger than the 8 people or so here, btw) and what this group is not about.

I close with naming all the folks who did show up and their contribution either to the meeting or to our community!

Hope you all can make the next one, and hop in the comments and get the discussion going!

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