Covid19 Report is explaining the RothsChild PATENT COVID19 Oct 2015

3 years ago

NZ Police are WEF NATO EU Nazi Eugenics Cult Psychopaths. I was targeted by a Sting Operayion involvinh 150 police to stslk me, follow & kidnapp me by 9 randon arrests, 4 Random Home Invasions. THEY ARE NOT HUMAN THEY ARE A Satanic Cult White Power Hate Gang.
As a Researcher Whistle Blower exposing their CULT invasion of In Zealand Aotearoa. I was jailed 3 months, forced to sign over mass Maori Privately own by my Whakapapa Heritage to 1st Maori King Tawhiao Potatau TeWheroWhero original private founders of the Reserve Bank, you will never here this Truth from MainStream white extremist cult media or MaoriTV cult.
Covid19 is a Land grab Land stolen by fraud fake corporations including Maori Land Court Holding Companies registries, Holdings Companies such as Deloitte is US Bill Gates criminal operations transferring our lands with private pklice military uniforms hired. USA-UK-Aust-NZ-EU-,crown nazis have used their covid19 response as a Land Claim by murdering Maori for Death Certificates to Transfer lands & by Imprisonment their Justice system police FORCE Landowners to SIGN Over their Entire Estates & they are to be HELF HOSTAGES under the social welfare $400 per week Trap of Compliance, not being able to have any well paid jobs. This video is court evidence I want to take court action & Sue Nazi NatoWEFNZ police criminals for $30 million dollars with jacinda ardern, andrew coster, covid response policy probation reporters that attacked me with NZ Army for vax attack. This is a Researchers Report explaining and INTERPRETING WHAT IS TAKING PLACE in New Zealand under the TRADE DEAL AGREEMENT 2015 TPP-TPPA-TeTureWhenua. We are Victims of Land Confiscations by UK-USA-Aust again. DIRTY POLITICIANS Warlords in POWER attack us! NAVIGATIONAL LEADERSHIP Response to their Agenda 21 holocaust scheme is urgent.
Conclusion: A MAORI BATTALION SUMPREME COURT UNDER THE LORE OF THE LAND - also Common Lore system to counteract this Military Bio-weapon of Mass Destruction.
022 8567281. More Evidence about UN-WEF-WHO dictatorship.

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