2 years ago


Burbank Schreiner

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Government propaganda is produced and disseminated to a compliant unquestioning media, a body that literally parrots and regurgitates the mandated Government talking points to a mostly apathetic and ill-informed populace. George Orwell predicted the current state of our ‘truth speak’ media almost a century ago, and imagined the ‘one song sheet’ dictates from above in Animal Farm, and an all seeing oversight of what ‘you’ are allowed to say in 1984.

When the citizenry of any society are treated like sheep and are fed a steady diet of biased propaganda, the media become a complicit distributor of misinformation. Media self censorship of any and all opposing views to government mandated talking points and ’their’ truths create the self destruction of any free society. Could the USA be fast approaching Orwell’s worst nightmare?

Open your eyes, and become aware of what is going on by looking outside of the Government talking points being repeated by a corrupt and heavily biased media.

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