Vax Ingredients; Executive Order 13848; Wuhan Lab Funding | Shofar Blast 9/9/2021

3 years ago

Links for 9/9/21

I want to make it clear that I am not a financial expert or a doctor. So what I share is strictly opinion based on my research and or what I do in my own life. I am just one of millions who are called to get the truth out because truth defeats fear. The greatest tool of evil is hiddenness and deception because the unknown and lies brings fear. There will be truth bombs set off in todays broadcast We are approaching the precipice of ALL or nothing. We have entered into the storm between good and evil. This is not about political parties because there is evil in all of them. This is about the future of the entire earth. We can either ride the storm as Jesus did in the peace and shalom of knowing Father God is in complete control or we can ride the storm watching every wave fearing our boats will capsize.

Flooding in Belgium

Flooding in Mexico

Protests for Freedom in Brazil

Supremes Vote Electors Can Choose – Decertify

Executive Order 13848 - Trump signed on Sept. 12, 2018 will have significant meaning and precision timing SOON. Watch what happens. (research what this EO is about)

✅INGREDIENTS TO VACCINES - You CANNOT make an educated decision without being educated.

✳️Fact check vaccine ingredients here:

Look What’s Happening in Australia - They have built manditory vax-entration camps to quarantine

The oxygen level in a mask

Dr. Ryan Cole talks about vaccine deaths – A tremendous presentation proving the science lacking from the jabs.

Crisis in America: Millions of Nurses are Resigning or Being Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandates – Forbidden Knowledge TV

Ivermectin Takes out Delta in India in 2 weeks

Don’t Worry about Delta we have Alpha and Omega

The Patent and Date of C-19 Tests -

Catherine Herridge At Gitmo

From Gateway Pundit: Hollywood Actress Puts Hillary Clinton On Notice: “You represent no flag, no country, no soul. You eat hope, you twist minds. I’ve been in a hotel room with your husband and here comes the bomb…” Hollywood actress Rose McGowan was a leader in the #MeToo movement against Democrat mega-donor, Hollywood kingpin, sexual predator, and rapist Harvey Weinstein. Her activism against sexual predators has taken Ms. McGowan down a curious path that includes turning her allegiance to the Democrat Party on its head.– Last week, Oprah Winfrey was her target, as she exposed what McGowan called the “ugly truth of Oprah” and accused her of “being pals with [Harvey] Weinstein and abandoning and destroying Russell Simmon’s victims” for “personal gain.”“She’s as fake as they come,” she tweeted.

Judge in Maxwell’s case orders the revealing of names of co-conspirators

Cartoon of Someone trying to peel Biden Sticker off

Special Amber Alert -

Listen to Lin Wood on What are in products

Is This Who I Think it is? Robin Williams

5 year old pianist - Https://

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