Liveprayer TV with Bill Keller 9/9/21 "Live" 11p-Mid EDT

3 years ago

US State Dept. upset new Taliban govt. has no women, gays, or trans! Taliban lets a plane leave Kabul but 6 still being held in northern Afghanistan. State Dept. unable to give firm numbers who is on the plane, or ANY frim numbers, yet continue to lie. Media has gone silent on Afghanistan except to lie how great Biden did. Feds focused on “white national” terror despite ZERO evidence other than 1/6, which like Russia is a fairy tale! Afghanistan was an insurrection, not 1/6 since nobody has been charged as such and there were zero firearms confiscated in the Capitol. ANTIFA and BLM are real terror groups but feds ignore. Islamic terror in the US more likely than ever! China has paid no price for releasing bio-weapon on the world or the millions dying from fentanyl they produce. People are not dying from OD but from being poisoned. Fauci blasts football games but says ZERO about southern border and is never asked by the media! Media hyping kids infected with Chinese Flu to push child vax. AOC uses phrase “menstruating people.” Australia cracks down on amount of alcohol locked down citizens can have. Catholic churches vandalized. NFL pushes social justice and ignores dead military heroes. Lee statue in Richmond taken down as globalists seek to erase history. 9/18 DC protest of 1/6 detainees, meanwhile Capitol cops all on call and fencing around Captiol is re-installed. CDC changes the definition of vaccination. Biden mandates all Federal workers be vaxxed, testing is not an option. Vax is only 65% effective. Rep. Larry Elder, running to unseat Gov. Newsome in California is attack during public appearance. Record job openings as people refuse to go back to work. Biden sends 8,500 Afghan refugees to Pa. Dems pushing $3.5t spending package, that raises taxes. Dementia patients use ice cream instead of Prozac. Doctors refuse to treat the unvaxxed. Ft. Hood shooter cheers Taliban from death row. China economy is unstable. This and much more on tonight’s Liveprayer TV!

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