Donald Trump Jr On Biden's Self Inflicted Foreign Policy Mess In Afghanistan

3 years ago

Donald Trump Jr On Biden's Self Inflicted Foreign Policy Mess In Afghanistan

Sean Hannity started by asking the former president’s son, with respect to Afghanistan, “What would your dad do?”

The Trump administration reached a deal with the Taliban in 2020 to withdraw. Biden has received serious criticism for the chaotic withdrawal, and for the Americans and U.S. allies left behind after American troops departed. Trump has been criticized over his administration’s deal, including by some former Trump officials.

Trump Jr. told Hannity, “The only thing these animals respect and understand is strength, and Joe Biden exudes nothing but weakness. Donald Trump exuded strength, so they knew he was not someone to be trifled with. They knew he was not someone to mess with.”

He went on to say his father “had the brainpower to actually negotiate like a real businessman, not a bureaucrat politician with no real world experience.”

“He wouldn’t have walked away without having conditions met. He wouldn’t have given them I’ve read 65 billion in U.S. equipment. He wouldn’t have allowed that and they wouldn’t have even thought to mess with him,” Trump added, referring to the Biden administration as “a clown show.”

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