After the sociopath: Consumed by obsession

3 years ago

You've learned what the sociopath really is, and you are shocked. You thought this person was telling you the truth. You believed this person loved you. Whatever the nature of your relationship, you now know that everything was fake — and it's all you can think about.

In this episode of Lovefraud Live!, Donna Andersen, author of, explains why you are obsessed with the sociopath, and what you can do about it.

One way to deal with your obsession, which Donna explains in this video, is EFT Tapping. Here's a Lovefraud webinar on the topic:

EFT Tapping to break your addiction to a sociopath

This is a live streaming show, so ask your questions by chat and Donna will answer. If you have more questions, post them on this video in the Lovefraud Forum. Here's the link:


1. If you want to discuss your situation with someone who may be a sociopath, Donna Andersen offers private, personal consultations.

2. Get Donna Andersen's books, including:
• Understanding the Sociopath
• Seduced by a Sociopath
• Dealing with a Sociopath
• Recovery from the Sociopath

3. Lovefraud Continuing Education offers webinars for survivors and therapists.

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