30-Day Challange : Level . IV : Week 2 In Review

3 years ago

What's good friends?

The level 4 30-day challenge is well underway. We have a few people participating in this with a bunch more coming up soon. The questions presented are challenging. The questions presented demand you dive deep into your psyche and pull out thought-provoking responses, and you know what... That's what it's about.

Delving into your mind to find answers to questions, answers that help you understand yourself more, answers that might bring up more questions, answers that generate conversation and engagement.

We hope you are inspired by these questions and they will push you to open up and discover more.

If you're just joining us however, the 30 day challenges about inspiring you to post content and engage with your fellow busy bees. This is the fourth installment, you can start on any level, there are no judges, however if you complete challenges you could have the right to brag about it.

Here's the full announcement post:

Here are links to the 3 previous 30-Day challenges.
Level 1 : https://peakd.com/hive-114105/@dbuzz/30-day-challenge-by-dbuzz
Level 2 : https://peakd.com/hive-119826/@dbuzz/30-day-challange--level--ii--lets-do-it-agai
Level 3 : https://peakd.com/hive-148441/@dbuzz/30-day-challange--level--iii--goal-crushing-challenges

Remember it's about having fun, being inspired, connecting with those around.

Thank you all for joining us on this adventure and see you back here tomorrow for our spot on, on the spot rewards summary post!

D.Buzz, out~ :D

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