[Whistleblower] Undertaker - Deaths Jumped 250% with Vaccine Rollout

3 years ago

Lindie Naughton Interviews Funeral Director John O'Looney

Deaths Jumped 250% When Injections Began: Lindie Naughton Interviews Funeral Director John O'Looney

First-hand testimony revealing what has really been happening with the dead from care homes and hospitals.

The undertaker explains it is routine that when collecting the dead for burial/cremation they keep a mortuary register (a kind of ‘guest book’), which shows a record of any usual events. The undertakers explains that he saw, during the pandemic, unusual patterns of high deaths at care homes where the vast majority deaths were known by staff not to be from COVID19 but more likely due to the medication given to the elderly.

“Terminal cancer patients are routinely being recorded as COVID deaths.”

To many independent analysts, there appears to be a correlation between the supposed new variants and vaccine breakthrough cases. New variants are suspected to be nothing of the sort and are actually adverse reactions to the experimental jabs.

Any and all deaths are glibly and dishonestly (and likely criminally, too!) being certified as from “COVID” and such “variants,” and this is masking what some observers believe is mass genocide.

As concern grows about the misrepresentations, keen-eyed observers are asking why no “journalists” in the mainstream media have sought to investigate the true cause of the massive ‘delta wave’ that hit India in mid-2021 following their mass vaccination campaign, which began in January 2021. Only independent online citizen journalists and heroic whistleblowers seem to want to save us all from tyranny.

Government is running the hospitals, not medical staff. Medical staff are frightened for their jobs.

There are some updates in this interview, especially concerning the care homes back in March and April of 2020, and the variability of the deceased following mass vaccination. Covid among school children, he warns, are now being talked about in the same way that Covid among the elderly was being promoted about in 2020. Covid in both situations is a pretext for another agenda: employing the heavy sedative Midazolam or mass-vaccinating.

Previous Interviews:

August 25th 2021: Andy Heasman Interviews UK Funeral Director
"UK Funeral Director, I’m looking after the terrible mistake, most deaths are vaccinated."
Funeral Director speaks out against the Vaccine, the death spike is like nothing he has seen the past few months and people are dying younger and younger.

"I've been making a point to ask these families if their loved one had the vaccine, and they are all saying yes - these are primarily heart attacks & strokes"

May 2021:
Andy Heasman interviews UK Funeral Director
A UK hospital indicated to him back in November, 2019 that ‘something nasty’ was on its way. He was only allowed to view the body in this hospital in an isolation tent.
"If there was a deadly pandemic out there, I’d be the first to know."
The funeral home director was personally called by a ‘senior health professional’, an NHS consultant who was also a client, through an encrypted channel and told not to touch the vaccines (which John acknowledges to be gene therapy) ‘under any circumstances’. The advisory team to the government, of which this health professional was a part, told the government not to use the vaccines because of the risks.
Anyone can find out what the number of burials & cremations is from their local health authority. This data will show that during the past 14-15 months, the death rate hasn’t been any higher than normal.
He gets a call once a week from a ‘pandemic guy’ whose job it is to call all the funeral directors and grill them about the number and type of deaths they’ve had during the past week. He clearly tries to make the deaths seem due to Covid even when the death is likely due to old age. ‘They’re deliberately inflating the numbers.’ This man admitted to the funeral director, “I don’t know why I’m doing this job because there are no Covid deaths”. He’s heard stories of premiums being paid to the health authorities for every Covid death. He’s had personal experience of angry families whose loved one died from cancer or a stroke, yet ‘Covid’ has been put on the death certificate. Funeral directors have freedom under these circumstances not to wash and dress (possibly embalm) a body for viewing as they would normally do ‘because of Covid,’ yet they still get paid the same. Under these circumstances they’re simply able to get away with putting the corpse in a body bag.
1min cut: https://twitter.com/AndyHeasman2/status/1395709946889740288
Full interview: https://muse.ai/v/q2BzX6S

Lindie Naughton - Irish Journalist

Andy Heasman - Irish Patriot

John O'Looney - UK Funeral Director
MK Family Funeral Services:

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