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Dr. Corsi: HCQ Is SAFE - FDA Is Wrong

3 years ago

Published on Apr 24, 2020

Dr Corsi interviews Dr. Lee Vliet & Dr. Karladine Graves...you don't want to miss this one!

Contrary to strong medical expert evidence flooding in from around the world that hydroxychloroquine is critical to be used in treatment of COVID-19 patients, and even as a preventative, the FDA cautions against the use of HCQ until a patient is so severly physically ill and irreparably damaged that hospitalization is required and most likely useless with death as a strong possibilty.

Significantly flawed and selectively prepared (FAKE) "studies" are being used by the ideologically poisoned medocracy and their FAKE NEWS supporters to ensure the US will remained closed, ill, and on the road to ruin. The FDA is now strongly recommending against even a clinical trial of HCQ, after Fauci said that clijnical trials were REQUIRED before using the medication due to disproportionately clained heart rhythm risks.

Dr. Lee points to a previous real study from 2005 that states, "...that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage...".


The leftist path forward is clear: we are your Gods, we do not care about human beings, Trump must be destroyed, and if we take down the entire country to get his out of office, so be it.

The Communist China model of totalitarian tyranny to maintain power and control of their slaves is now in full view for all to see (except the hate blinded "resistance").

Tune in Monday through Friday at 11:00am EDT for another show.

Visit our sister website, http://www.theprayerfulpatriot.com dedicated to faith and prayer.


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