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Dalek News 8 SEP 2021

3 years ago

Here is the Dalek News.

Thankyou for watching, we apologize for any aneurysms this news cast produces.

Apparently Fauci lied to congress, paid for the wuhan lab and is considered to be doing a fantastic liberal job.

Joe Biden Still doesn't know where he is.

According to Rolling Stone Magazine Some horse medicine un-vaccinated zombies
are causing Rachel Maddow to freak out in Oklahoma.

Chaos continues at the border as un doccumented workers come to find non existent jobs.

Inflation and gas prices are recalculated every hour.

Tali chads invent time machine transporting entire country of Afghanistan to the 12th century.

Joe Biden says be super afraid, very afraid, more afraid than a punk cyberman on a dalek planet after dark because of global warming.

Prediction dalek predicts riots in 2022, which will be completely spontaneous and not organized and nothing to do with BLM or politics.

Prediction dalek has a used tardis to sell you, only owner was one careful little old lady driver.

Comedy dalek asks

what is the difference between California governor gavin newsom and

a thousand dollar tampon?

Not a great deal.

Non laughing daleks are to be exterminated.

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