Documentary on the Hermetic Laws of Reality, The Kybalion, Occult Knowledge and Law of Attraction

3 years ago

Short documentary on the Kybalion by the Three Initiates (William Walker Atkinsons) and the Hermetic Laws of Reality.

“The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the doors of the Temple fly open.” The Kybalion

The seven Hermetic Laws or Principles which govern Reality are:
I. The Principle of Mind (All is Mind)
II. The Principle of Cause and Effect
III. The Principle of Vibration or Sound
IV. The Principle of Correspondence
V. The Principle of Polarity or Opposites
VI. The Principle of Rhythm or Cyclicity
VII. The Principle of Gender

The seven Hermetic Laws of Reality are not exclusive of each other, in the same way as the law of gravity is not exclusive of the law of lift on the physical plane, but work in synergy to shape the minds and phenomena of infinite living beings and their environments.
In practical terms we can use any law of nature, but we cannot alter it. For example, we can use the law of gravity and the law of lift and fly through the sky on an airplane, but if we jumped off a cliff, gravity would pull us down and we would injure ourselves and die. Therefore we can understand that by opposing any natural law we place ourselves in an inverted position with regard to the law itself, and therefore, it appears as though the law itself is working against us with a definite purpose, where in real sense this inversion is entirely caused by ourselves, by our ignorance of the law and not from any change in the action of the law.
This is the reasons why in theistic religions one often finds the concept of God’s punishment, where the real meaning behind it is only one’s ignorance and the subsequent inverted position in regard to the these unchangeable laws of Reality. On the other hand, if one has knowledge of these laws one can use them at one’s own advantage by using skilful methods, which will be explained in part two of the book, and achieve new life conditions and fulfillment.

For more and full information on the Laws of Reality check out my books here:
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