What Do You Do If Your Sheriff Says THIS??

2 years ago

🦅 Learn How You Can Help Restore Liberty In Your Area at http://CSPOA.org

In this video, Sheriff Mack talks about some of the questions you can ask your sheriff to find out if he or she supports Liberty.

Please look at and review the Sheriff Questionnaire on our website and ask them some of those questions.

And if your sheriff says they can’t stop the IRS or some other criminal activity in your county, you have to really wonder about a sheriff like that!

The good news is that is why our CSPOA training exists.

And you can help get your sheriff educated!

It all starts with a conversation with them.

In order for YOU to get educated, join the CSPOA Posse & learn how to work with your sheriff to help restore Liberty in your area!

Learn More About How To Help Restore Liberty With The CSPOA Posse at http://CSPOA.org/Join 🦅

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