Day 1 - Locked Down till 9/11

3 years ago

This video series is dedicated to the millions of people that are unlawfully locked down in Australia.

Being stuck inside for two weeks sure does give you time to look into what is goin in around the globe. I want to share with you the stuff that I have been finding, following, sharing and what other awesome friends have beed sharing with me.

Waking me up more and more as this sarga goes on.

It will come to end and it will all work out alright.

If it isn't alright yet, then it isn't then end.

We have a lot of work to do.

This is my pick for today. Stew Peters.

Stew is so Hard Hitting. The guys he gets to interview are the best. Watch him and you too will not feel alone in this battle.

In this video, Stew interview a very cool Vet and what I love the most is his definition of Freedom.

Free from Dominion.

Please give me a Rumble, Subscribe and Share my video.

Enjoy and make sure you follow and share these good works of God.

I am Mike King and this is On The Ropes TV.

Acknowledgement to Royalty Free Music from Art List.

James Paul Mitchell - Travelling by Highway
Ian Post - Jesse James
Sivan Talmor - Light of the Inner Bird
Itoliks - Urban Rebel
The Boy - Sinking by Jane
Cinescape - Them for an Adventure Game
Gray - Traveler

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