Central Bank Digital Currencies ,, absolute full control ”

2 years ago

The head of the Bank for International Settlements, often called the central bank for central banks, declares he wants “complete control” over money via banning cash in favor of Central Bank Digital Currencies... an openly stated “very important” goal

In case it wasn’t obvious to you yet, here’s the head of the Bank of International Settlements clarifying that the difference between cash and CBDCs is that the former provides privacy while the latter gives the central bank “absolute control”
I fear that the EU’s new dystopian ‘digital identity wallet’ will be used to control and track people in the way China does

Az EU új, disztópikus "digitális azonosítását" az emberek ellenőrzésére és követésére fogják használni, ahogyan azt Kína is teszi - Szabadságunk azon múlik, hogy minél több ember felismerje az igazságot arról, ami történik!

Catherine Austin Fitts elmagyarázza, hogyan tervezik a globális milliárdosok és a technokraták a bolygó elfoglalását

Catherine Austin Fitts Explains how the Globalist Billionaires and Technocrats are Planning on Taking Over the Planet, and How We can Stop It

Privacy Coinomi guards user privacy with the following measures:
-- No KYC / AML needed
-- No IP association
-- No identity linking
-- No transaction tracking
-- Access via Tor

-- Access via IPFS



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