Stand Your Ground Regarding Not Getting the Covid 19 Shot

2 years ago

From the Instagram Account:

Welp, he said it, not me…🤷🏿.. He’s one out of tens of THOUSANDS..😐

All of the videos from people who have taken the shot that are NEGATIVE have been/continue to be removed from all mainstream social media platforms. They are HIDING the tens of THOUSANDS Of people who are telling you about their experiences. What is above the word of a scientist, doctor, nurse? Personal experiences & reactions.😐 Remember, we exposed the reality that they have over 150 “new vakseens” in the pipeline that they have been working on and that they will come up with a “new variant “ then send out the “new vakseene” Every couple of months. “Booster shots” will not stop neither will the variants until we want it to stop! There are tens if not HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people who were fully experimented on that regret it and who are experiencing multiple health issues as a result. Outside of this…. Tens of thousands have passed away as a result of taking the shot (according to the VAERS system). This is no secret but now the people are waking up by the day to THIS fact.

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