Deuteronomy 21 & Numbers 35 Arkencide, Abortion, Pedophilia, Satanic Ritual Killing

3 years ago

Satan has decided that the United States of America needs to be destroyed. One of the ways that is being pursued by the accumulation of blood guilt on the land. Anytime someone is killed or murdered or violently killed, the land itself, the place the region and the nation, the dirt under your feet is stand and it begins to accumulate blood guilt.

The land itself begins accumulate a bloodguilt and a spiritual burden and a spiritual stain that cries out to God to avenge it. Satan doesn’t even need to make all the Americans guilty, he just has to create a constant stream of death in the country. He can stain the dirt with a constant stream of murder and violent death and God will have to respond to that. That usually means causing destruction and disaster. But just like the wicked from the book of Proverbs, Satan and his people are going to try to avoid the disaster that is aimed at them, so that it just hits the American people and the nation

This is a Biblical principle, it was the same reason why the flood of Noah was required. In God’s eyes, when people are killed, the land, the region, the dirt under your feet is stained with a spiritual burden of blood guilt. Just like the dirt has a Positive charge which brings down the lightning from the negatively charged sky, God says that when people are violently killed anywhere, that place and the whole country becomes more and more stained with blood.

There’s only two ways to deal with that: to bring the guilty person to justice and those who have committed murder must die, or else you don’t know who has done the deed and so you must cleanse the land by sacrifice and prayer. If you know who did it, I don’t think or at least I’m not sure that it’s enough to merely pray over it. You need to bring that person to justice.

The problem we have in America is that we do kind of know who these groups of people are in many cases though not all, especially some of the more high profile ones. But they own the entire legal system and they have the system rigged so that they have an insurrection-faction-government within the real American government, and therefore they are made into a protected upper class that cannot be prosecuted for any real crimes nor take any real punishment.

It’s a two-tier justice system and comes straight from the Communist infiltration and the Confederate Satanist anti-America totalitarian globalists who have been festering as a Hydra inside the American Government since Operation Paperclip.

There’s a real constitutional American government under God and then there’s the Fake Confederate Pro British to tell Terry and Satanist globalist communist leftist totalitarian authoritarian statist Hydro infiltrator insurrection faction, that is allied with jihad. These people not only do a lot of Arkansas and abortion, and pedophilia, and that’s on both sides of the aisle and both “parties” even though we don’t have two parties, and they’re also doing Satanic ritual murder. They are staining this country with blood to bring destruction.

There was so much murder going on before the flood that the earth was stained with blood, and the ground was crying out to God to avenge all the death. So God sent a flood to kill everything and everyone except for the people and animals on the ark.

Luckily today we have Jesus Christ ultimate sacrifice, That makes our prayer to cleanse the land more effective.

But we need to do exactly the same thing that the book of numbers in the book of Deuteronomy are prescribing for blood guilt on the land, we need to do exactly what is being prescribed in terms of the prayer and method to cleanse the land.

We need to get together as a large group of leadership and congregations and we need to pray that our land be cleansed, we need town and county and government officials, in their off time or in their on-time. The civic authority needs to be represented.
It’s a group event, and you have to get together as a community from all sectors and leader ship of those actors on behalf of our region to ask God to forgive and cleanse the land and to pass the girls off of us as inheritance and say God put it on the one who did this and we ask that you will bring justice to that person. So this is an event that we need to do, regularly. Asking God to cleanse our land and a free us a responsibility for what others have done to stain in the land that we live on with blood.

And we need to bring those people to justice. We need to get abortion banned. Just like Texas has made progress progress there. Can you old testament they had to sacrifice a heifer, but we have better than that now. We are better off with Jesus Christ and his sacrifice, but this is still a huge problem. We need to deal with it. How many of you knew that this even existed?

Satan is making America guilty, not the people of America, the land of America. So that God has to bring destruction on the land and disaster to the country. This is because abortion is standing the land with blood, the dirt. And Arkansas and pedophilia and human trafficking and Satanic ritual murder which is been done by these evil elites.

Now lots of people are committing abortion and that’s wrong and that does go directly to peoples’ guilt, but the human trafficking, and the Satanic ritual killing and bloodletting, and the Arkencide of all the good American cops and government workers and individuals who tried To blow the whistle is something else. We kind of know who is guilty, and we kind of do not. If we don’t know we can pray about in, but if we know then that isn’t what we must do. We must bring them to justice. That would be the only release of the bloodguilt. I’m not sure if the guilt of abortion goes on everyone, but it sure seems like God considers the whole nation to be guilty of abortion even if not everyone is doing it. We need to stop abortion.

Arkansas it is when there’s good American cops and government officials in private individuals who were going to blow the whistle on the communists and Satanists, Hydra, infiltrators, and globalist totalitarians, but they got killed. All of this is bringing a blood stain on the land that’s going to cause God to have to step in and intervene. And that’s usually a cataclysmic event or a big disaster. But don’t forget that God knows who is guilty and he was innocent. The intent of God is to bring the guilty to justice. But I’m not sure if God will just judge everything because we all were responsible to try and fix it.

I’m just not sure how much God considers us all to be guilty because we haven’t brought them to justice already ourselves in our system.

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