The Importance of Attitude

3 years ago

The Importance of Attitude
Capt Seth Keshel's father

Your Attitude is everything
Your attitude is your altitude
Those with a poor attitude suck energy from a group, those with a postive energy inject energy into a group.
Maintaining a good attitude is hard, yet rewarding.
A good attitude is a gift to those you love and removes fear and uncertainty from their lives.
A poor attitude is quickly noted by others. Superior weigh you by it. Peers judge you by it. Subordinatres respond to it. They need guidance that is positive.
The enemy takes advantage of it if able.
It is important that we take action
Embrace positivity and optimism, reject negative thinking.

The charachter that I have ingrained into my children is what it is, I no longer scold or critisize.
Today is your day, Go get em!

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