Natural Immunity Has It's Benefits | Fed's Funded Research & Fauci Lied | Rutgers Removes Student

3 years ago

According to several prominent experts in the field, the benefits of recovery and the procurement of the antibodies (rather training and ability to replicate specialized T & B Cells) from the coof, is quite extraordinary. The likelihood you hear this elsewhere is slim, so here's some good news!

Fauci is a fraud. Plain and simple. We have known this for awhile and the Emails from earlier this year should have been the final shell to have sunk his ship of lies and deceit. Instead, he is booked up through the end of 2022 (presumably) for spots on all the disingenuous, hack media outlets to spew his fear mongering nonsense.

The documents that were recently released that show grants being afforded to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and adjacent institutes straight from the Federal Government (the Obama Administration to be precises) should be cause for concern. One Grant directly funded viruses that track from Bats to Humans and the associated methodology for that transfer. They lied. They lied about it all. Who's shocked? What do you do? How do you stop if from getting worse? Break away from the lies of the media and educate yourself elsewhere.

Rutgers University decided to cancel Logan Hollar for not getting the Jab. The 22 Year Old made the decision of his own volition and came to the reasonable conclusion it was his choice to make. So he wouldn't be allowed on Campus; fine, he was going to do remote learning anyways. Well, no jab, no ONLINE COURSES??? We are in the compliance phase, pray we stray no further.

The Epoch Times 1:
New York Post:

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