History Repeats ~~ The Man In The Middle and How To Stop The Steal

2 years ago

Lessons From 2004 and 2008 Elections ~~ Stop The Steal With Proven Technology, The Paper and The Pen

Ecological Options Network interview in November 2008 with Stephen Spoonamore, a top level cyber-security sleuth for major credit card companies and U.S. Federal defense and security agencies, explains the "Man in the Middle" concept and structure to steal and/or change data on "Secure Computer Networks"

Ecological Options Network
https://www.eon3.org/ <<----- Good People. Visit and Support
Audio Clip >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRW3Bh8HQic <<----- Must See

Holly at Altitude <<------ Karens hate her! Follow and Support

FrankSpeech.com <<------ Fighting for YOUR Country and YOUR Liberty
Audio Clip >> https://home.frankspeech.com/tv/video/lindell-report-cyber-forensics-expert-and-after-images-dominion-machine-mesa-county-co

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