How to Get Your Life Back

2 years ago

How to Get Your Life Back

So just how does one go about getting your life back...
and the answer is that we can never go back, just ahead
Following rabbit holes was an an adventure on which we were led

So when do things get back to a semblance of normal...
and the answer is we have come too far out of the matrix
Take whatever works for your life wherever this all takes us

So how do I wake up the others so they can see..
and the answer is to give them time, it may happen someday
If they remain asleep, leave them to their dreams wherever they lay

So what do I do now that I am wide awake...
and the answer is to be aware and help in any way that you can
Do the best with what you’ve got even if you have no plan

So how can I help without a plan...
and the answer is to extend your hand and some will seek out yours
You can try knocking and maybe some will answer their doors

So where do I go for answers in my everyday life...
and the answer is to go within and seek your divine maker
Cast not thy pearls before the first taker

Patriotic Poet

What to Cling to, tune in tomorrow

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