Ivermectin: Big Pharma Fights to Retain Its Grip on America's Health

3 years ago

Horse paste. Overdoses. Harmful to humans. Not FDA approved. And so the FDA, CDC, big pharma, and especially the MSM only talk about those points. Yes, it is used for horses since it does kill parasites. Overdoses, sure theoretically. If people self-medicate because if a little works, more must work better, or so is the logic of mental incompetents. Certainly a prescribing doctor wouldn't prescribe an overdose. People still overdose on aspirin and alcohol. Lots of people overdose on opioids that the doctors prescribe, but that hasn't kept Pfizer from making billions of dollars with no end in site. Ivermectin is not harmful to humans. It is FDA approved, just not specifically for COVID-19. Neither were any of the vaccines. Pfizer, which switches board members back and forth with the FDA, has an approved vaccine waiting in the shadows, but it hasn't been manufactured yet and won't be released until all the non-approved inventory is cleared, even though the two are identical. If this makes sense to you, then don't watch this video or others to come. It would be pointless and a waste of your time. Just take the jab again and again and again and ...

Video List:

COVID 19 _ Why Prescribe Ivermectin Off-Label
Ivermectin - A Game Changer for COVID-19
New Covid Drugs That Could End The Pandemic For Good
The BIGGEST Disbelief about IVERMECTIN and COVID
The Pharmacy Denied My Prescription!!!
Update on Ivermectin - July 2021
UT Health SA to launch ivermectin study
Why are people taking Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 even though the FDA warns against it

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