Enchanting sounds of the sea

3 years ago

The sound of the sea surf, like a cradle, mesmerizes and gives a sense of peace of mind. The beauty of the seashore is inexplicably mysterious, so every moment the moving wave disappears giving birth to inspiration and tranquility. On the seashore, all the conventions of life seem futile.

Physiologically, the sound of the sea wave has a revitalizing effect. The sea as a natural source of renewal of the body affects every cell.

Definitely, listening to the sound of the surf, you realize that you will not find a better work of nature than what is happening here and now. "The sight of the sea always makes a profound impression; it is the embodiment of that infinite which ceaselessly attracts thought and in which it is ceaselessly lost," wrote Anne de Stael. Obviously, the possibility of hearing the sound of the surf is a priceless gift of nature.

The noise of the surf is the most pleasant sound for the human ear, which caresses and mesmerizes with its beauty. This sound soothes and pacifies. Often, those who do not sleep well is advised to listen to the sounds of nature, in particular the sound of the surf. The huge, powerful sea waves takes away all the anxiety.

The sound of the sea, the sound of waves are surprisingly soothing, even soporific, it is not without reason that psychotherapists recommend using the sound of the sea to sleep well. One of the reasons for its psychotherapeutic effect is that it is a unique natural white noise.

Sounds of nature, as a rule, soothing, if, of course, it is calm sounds, rather than the roar of thunder or volcanic eruption. But the sound of waves has a number of advantages even over such popular sounds in psychotherapy as birdsong and the rustling of leaves. Because of these advantages, the sound of the sea for sleep is the perfect remedy for insomnia.

So after all your evening chores are done and you're ready to go to bed, get comfortable in an armchair or in bed, turn on this video clip, and sink into the divine sound of the sea surf.
Sleep well and be healthy! Let peace be in your home!

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