Lil Nas X owned by the Devil

3 years ago

WTF!! Lil Nas X must be possessed by a demon . He acts like a demonic trans-sexual entity, these kind of celebrities are mocking the divine feminine energy. It is an abomination.

women’s body’s are designed and made to give birth to children not men. So why is he doing it?

He works for the Depopulation agenda and the emasculation of the male in this case aiming at the Afro carribean community.

Satan’s children come in all shapes, sizes, races and are working 24/7 around the clock to lead the weak minded astray, they are planting seeds of vile evil which goes against the laws of humanity & nature, this is a satanic ritual.

Btw Jesus is not my saviour. I am my own saviour While y’all waiting on Sky daddy. Me and my higher self be helping ourselves and others.

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