3 years ago

100% Scientific Proof That Wearing A Mask Causes Harm In Violation Of Safety Regulations Already On The Books

An Electrician uses a device designed to measure air quality to prove that wearing a mask immediately lowers your oxygen intake and spikes your CO2 levels beyond what would be considered safe under Occupational Health & Safety regulations. If it is unsafe for a worker to be exposed to such conditions in the workplace, then how is it safe to be ordered to wear a mask all day at that same workplace? Or worse yet, have children to wear one for all the time that they are at school?

Being exposed to CO2 Poisoning and Oxygen Deprivation has serious long-term ramifications on one's health, which are well documented. There is a reason why it is considered unsafe to work in poor air-quality conditions, and there are already rigid safety regulations on the books to protect workers.

If your boss is ordering you to wear a mask, contact Occupational Health & Safety and file a complaint. Not only are they practicing medicine without a license, they are intentionally exposing workers to unsafe working conditions. Businesses that are mandating masks can be taken to the cleaners over this because the regulations are even stricter for the general public. The same is true for Children in Schools.

This is all the ammunition needed to launch so many lawsuits that will sink every single one of these tyrannical organizations. The best part of this, the government can't get involved in private lawsuits against a business, so the excuse that they were just following government mandates won't save them because they'll be left standing on their own in a court of law.

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