3 years ago

The armed state agent who attacked, sexually assaulted, choked, bound, and molested me is COBBS. I went to the Anchorage LIO Building on December 7, 2020. I was led to share this video of my sexual assault by an Alaska State Agent because Dustin Darden shared his sexual assault which happened at the Palmer Fairgrounds at the Alaska State Fair. I was attempting to stop the Bio-Weapon Jab Campaign. The armed state agent who attacked, sexually assaulted, choked, bound, and molested me is COBBS. There was a joint meeting being held by the Alaska State Legislature And Alaska DHSS. Chairman Wilson, Dr Anne Zink, Commissioner Adam Crum were members present at the meeting. Mike Warenda and Jessica Geary were also present in the building.

All of these people need to be thrown in jail in Jesus Name.

Nuremberg Code Violations
Conspiracy Against Rights - Title 18 U.S.C. Section 241
Interference with Constitutional Rights - A.S. 11.76.110

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