3 years ago

Generation-z is a generation living solitary lives, hyperconnected to technology but unattached from their families, churches and communities. What we see playing out before our very eyes is the aftermath of separating from the truth God of the universe found in Jesus Christ, the detachment of America from the traditional family bond, and the re-education of a whole new generation of youth who now overwhelmingly reject western civilization. In this episode we are going to take a look at the bible’s prescripts, which if ignored, leads the next generation empty and “hollowed out”. We will look at what the bible says regarding the biblical responsibility of the parent (not the governmental school system) to teach their children about God and family. Please SHARE this with your friends as it is one small way in which you can help us spread the truth of God as found in the Bible with people around the world. Also please make sure that you SMASH that SUBSCRIBE Button and give the old GANCIO SINISTRA (Italian left hook) to the ALERT BELL below!

(We just uploaded an Episode on HARVARD'S new Chief Chaplain Epstein-he is an ATHEIST! You don't want to miss that-just click here https://rumble.com/vlxfxm-harvards-new-chief-chaplain-is-an-atheitst.html

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