Straight Shooting News 9 5 2021 Part 1 Labor Day Government Funding For Lies!

2 years ago

This video is for educational purposes only and we credit all the contributors utilized in producing it.

Labor Day and how Labor Day came about and how all the taxpayer dollars that comes from all the Labor and Hard Work of Americans are being used against us in wars and right down to oppressing us and our children in the end. Our reward is the Government Mandates one whole day off with pay! Those same tax dollars are be used to undermine our U.S. Constitution and our rights the very fabric of our nation.

We begin with the lies from the government agencies that claim their jobs is to protect our health and welling being and particularly the children’s.

Scott Atlas who was part of President Trump’s Health team to control the virus speaks out on masking

Dr. B and Dr Riech question Fauci and more

Two of the FDA’s most senior vaccine leaders are exiting from their positions, raising fresh questions about the Biden administration and the way that it’s sidelined the FDA.

Would the government or the medical industry ever lie to us or even use the media do the same for advertising money? A clip from AZ Robert Ruler of Watching the watchers who did a great job making the point, Thanks Rob. Smoke those Lucky Strikes or Camels or Philp Morris Doctors do and they can't be wrong or would lie to you, or do they?

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