Reiner Fuellmich - Putting All The Pieces Together: "This Is Not An Accident. It Is Intentional."

3 years ago

Reiner Fuellmich:

"We have to wake up to the fact that this is what it's all about: It's the deliberate destruction of our economy and it's the deliberate destruction of the population -- plus experimenting with mRNA, trying to see how best to manipulate our DNA so that they can control the rest of us. I know it sounds like science fiction, but it's all out there. You can read it; look at the writings of these people and you'll know what's going on."


"If you look at the hard facts, which can be easily proven in courts of law, you will arrive at the conclusion that:

"1. The virus is no more dangerous than the common flu, so why would there be mask mandates, social distancing, lockdowns -- this has never been used in any other context, not ever once. They are talking about mandatory vaccinations. That's point one.

"2. There are alternative ways of treatment: Zinc, Vitamin D, etc. So there is no pandemic. They have announced this pandemic because they -- they meaning those who have the money to push the W.H.O., to make certain decisions -- they pushed the world health organization to declare the public health emergency of international concern in early 2020; they pushed them very hard because they needed this declaration . . . in order to use not tested, new drugs. And these vaccines have not been tested. There are no underlying medical studies. These are being conducted right now and we are the guinea pigs. That is a fact. That is easily proven in the courts of law.

"And if you then look at what happened because of the vaccines, if you look at the many, many side effects, very serious side effects, even the official figures tell you that this is many, many, many times more -- the side effects of these vaccines -- than all of the other vaccines in total . . . So you have to wonder what is going on. Why do people consent? In the United States, now officially, 45,000 deaths after vaccination. Why do they connect to that? One thing is that they don't know about this. But that's the official number. We know this is the official number, but we also know that only between one and 10 percent of the real figures are being reported to the VAERS register. So if you take that into consideration, one of the experts that we spoke with -- Dr. Zelenko -- he said the true figure is probably 500,000 deaths after vaccination, only during the first 180 days after vaccination started in December of 2020.

"If you take this together and then try to make sense of this, [if you] you read what they spelled out in The Great Reset, what Bill Gates has been talking about -- I just got a new document from a whistleblower that said the W.H.O was thinking about sterilizing women through vaccines since 1972 . . . If you take the totality of the evidence, you can only arrive at one conclusion: This is not accident. This is intentional."


"We consider ourselves a member of humanity, of mankind. We, in connection with all the others out there -- and there are many like us; I just spoke with a group of lawyers and doctors in New Zealand. I'm constantly in Zoom conferences with people from EVERYWHERE -- we consider ourselves the ones who are trying to get the truth out into the open because only one side of the story is being reported by the mainstream media and that's the wrong side of the story . . . We want both sides of the coin to be out there so people can make up their own minds.

"We know from interviewing a number of . . . professors of psychology and psychiatry, we know this is a gigantic psyop which uses the mainstream media as its vehicle to convey the message. And the message is always: 'This is deadly. This is a pandemic. There are more and more cases. We have to have lockdowns. Please be afraid. Please be in panic.' And we're saying 'No, this is a completely false narrative which those on the other side are using who are interested in scooping up the rest of our wealth and getting complete control over us.' It's as simple as that!"


There Is Still Nothing Sanitary About This Crisis "Reiner Fuellmich"
By Natasha Kumar
The Times Hub
September 6, 2021

Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich returns to present the progress of the Corona Committee with which he has been working for months to try to elucidate the ins and outs of the covid-19 crisis.

He explains from the outset that he is at a crucial moment in the progress of research. We have gone from What is this pandemic? How dangerous is the virus? How dangerous is this? Are PCR tests reliable? What consequences will anti-COVID health measures have? to Who is behind this?

To answer these questions, he conducted more than 150 interviews with experts from around the world, such as Prof. Luc Montagnier and Mike Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer, to come to the conclusion that "all this did not nothing sanitary, and never had anything sanitary". He returns in particular to the economic aspect of the pandemic, showing that "those who are currently recovering market share in the world, are also those, if we follow the money, who are behind what is happening. ". According to him, SMEs, especially Western ones, are being swallowed up by economic giants such as Amazon or bought out by the Chinese.

Regarding health, he stresses the fact that the long-awaited vaccination does not solve the problem and does not stop the virus as hoped, while health measures trigger many suicides among the population.

Still according to him, populations around the world are gradually realizing that governments continue to place their pawns to control their "daily life".

Putting together all the items he lists, he comes to the conclusion that: "This is not an accident. It is intentional."


Reiner Fuellmich: Suing The Powers That Be For “Crimes Against Humanity”

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