Scott McKay: The Entire Trump Presidency Has Been A Military Sting Operation - Post Election

3 years ago

Scott is reporting on the following:

Scott states that this election was a military grade sting operation to bring down the criminal power structure.

Many people across the country feel that with all that is going on that we have lost the country and that there is no hope of recovery. Many know about the ushering in of the New World Order and Scott assures us that this is not going to happen.

Scott shares that this plan was in the planning stages for many years and he takes us back in time to give us some of the details.

He talks about how the U.S. became a Corporation which enslaved all Americans at that point. Thus, America has been ruled by a foreign power for a very long time. Fast forward to 1999, America entered its second bankruptcy. There was a window for America to get control of their government and Scott shares the two men who were instrumental in saving America. He plans on doing another show providing more details on these two men who saved America.

In 2015, the stage was set for the military to launch a coup on the government and it did not matter who was in power. The military knew for a long time that the U.S. government was corrupt and they needed to bring down the Cabal.

The U.S. military intelligence intercepted a 16 year plan by the Cabal to take down the United States.

Scott is reporting on much more and you do not want to miss the remainder of this report...

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