Van Life? 78 Year Old Couple Forced To Move Into Truck??

3 years ago

Van Life? 78 Year Old Couple Forced To Move Into Truck??

August 19, 2021

Glorious Life On Wheels

As housing costs continue to rapidly increase, many seniors living on social security and fixed incomes are being forced to live in vehicles. Senior nomads are becoming more and more common. Seniors may represent the largest demographic of the new homeless. It is one thing to become a nomad or part of vanlife by choice out of a desire to travel and explore the country. It is quite another to be suddenly thrust into it with little to no preparation.

In this video I interview a 78 year old gentleman who may soon be living in the back of his 35 year old pickup truck with his 78 year old wife. Their move will not be part of a dream being filled, but rather a nightmare that could not be averted. I believe this story represents the tip of the iceberg of what is about to happen when the current eviction moratoriums are lifted.

Glorious Life On Wheels

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by snail mail: 1150 Garden View Rd., #230043
Encinitas, Calif. 92023

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