Min censurerade video från youtube

2 years ago

1. SR P1 Fake News om Covid - Läkaren Sture Blomberg och tekn dr Lars Bern bemöter journalisterna i Fjärde Statsmakten 101.
2. Latest from Max Igan in Australia
3. This jab is even more sinister than what we may have first thought . . . latest news on consequences of taking the kill shot . . . now it causes cancer!!! Take note peoples, do your research . . . please stop blindly going along with the status quo . . they do not have your best interests at heart!! DR. JUDY MIKOVITS ON INFO WARS
4. Adrenochrome Data Dump, Finally Names, Places, And Companies Are Out In The Light, Children Are Being Tortured And Murdered So Celebrities Can Have A Rush
5. Canada is waking up. Communist Trudeau must be stopped

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