2021 Count it all but Dung - Rosh Hashanah: Time to Circle Back

3 years ago

Discussion about the Feast Day and my Year. 2022 Circle Back.

I think the point here is that we as a world (not necessarily country) are moving towards another Holocaust far worse. You are well aware of Bible Prophecy and it's all in there. By the time the book of Revelation comes to chapter 19 (Second Coming of Christ), if you do the math, there are about 1 billion people left on the planet after the Tribulation ends. That in itself should shake people up expecting to prep for that time. The chances of surviving to the end is slim. That's why Jesus "he who endureth to the end, the same shall be saved," which by the way is not how we are saved today. That is instruction for those in the Tribulation period. Salvation is found in enduring to the end.. What we both see I think is that we now know who the people are that would've complied in 1938 Nazi Germany. I don't say that lightly either. Other countries like NZ, Australia, Canada, and the UK are taught at birth to trust their governments. Not so much here in the US. You remember Mr. Reardon at Maple? I'll never forget watching the JFK assassination footage which we discussed in class. It was there that I became aware that our government is untrustworthy and corrupt... even with Lincoln, McKinley and Garfield. Remember, 71% Americans do not trust the media anymore
I don't remember if that was Mr. Reardon's intent showing JFK but it woke me up that there is something wrong in our government. From that point with 9/11 and stuff, I think our government was involved. The point I'm making is that these evil governments are acting together as one order. That's why Paul said "the mystery of iniquity doth already work" in 2 Thessalonians. The same evil force behind the Pharisees is alive today in a secret, shadow government all saying the same thing: Kill off 7 billion people on the planet. They've been doing this through abortion, wars, pandemics, the stuff in our food, etc, and now the jab... all under the guise of "health and safety" and "the environment."
Ask your son if he's heard of the Georgia Guidestones. It was erected by Luciferians (Rosecrucians) and one of the tenants there is "maintain humanity population 500,000,000." That's half a billion... and if you do the math, that's the remaining amount of the population at the end of the Tribulation (Revelation).
So, like your friend just posed, don't beat yourself up. I knew what you meant. If we continue on the path we are now with blind compliance, it will lead to another Holocaust far worse that we've ever seen. I hope Christians aren't here for any of it.

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