2 years ago

Upon the Mount of Olives in ancient Israel, Jesus Christ answered his disciples questions about the future. As he talked, he made a remark that has stimulated a number of conjectures over the years. He said, "This generation shall not pass, til all these things be fulfilled" (Matthew 24:34). His pronouncement refers to what has been called "the last generation," the one that witnesses events leading up to the Great Tribulation mentioned elsewhere in scripture - a time period of seven years in which judgment strikes the earth for those dwelling on it at that time. Before this period of time strikes the earth, an event called the "rapture" will occur in which millions of "born again" Christians will disappear off the face of the earth and into Heaven to escape this time period of wrath.


Is our generation the one which Jesus spoke of? To answer this question, it's important to examine several biblical expressions that use the term.

There is a Hebrew expression that is usually translated in the Old Testament as "the generation to come." This idiom is taken from some form of "ha dor ha acharon." The most direct translation of this phrase is "the last generation." As we shall see, the meaning of Jesus' prophecy is greatly clarified by an understanding of this phrase and it's common use in the Old Testament. It points forward to the period of the last days. As Jesus addressed the inner circle of his followers, he spoke of future world wars, famines and diseases. In this context, he mentioned the last days re-birth of the nation of Israel, something that the disciples could not have understood at the time. He commented upon Daniel's prophecy of the Antichrist in the Temple. He used the term "great tribulation" to describe the events surrounding Israel's regathering. He even spoke of his second coming in the clouds of glory. It was at this point that he spoke one of his most famous parables ... the parable of the fig tree in Matthew chapter 24:32-35.

His reference to the key prophetic generation of the entire Bible is given in the image of a fig tree. This tree, symbol of national Israel, is depicted "putting forth leaves," as it would in the spring when getting ready to bear fruit. The point is that the prophetic tree is growing, not diminishing after it was planted. So, "this generation" is the "fig tree" generation, and often goes by that name. The fig tree is national Israel. A key prophecy found in the book of Jeremiah chapter 24 makes this crystal clear. The Jeremiah passage of scripture says that they will be replanted and not pulled down. They were, in fact, pulled down in A.D. 70, and again in A.D. 135 following the revolt led by Simeon Bar Kochba against the occupying Roman empire. In the final regathering, they will be permanently replanted. They were replanted in 1948 by way of ratification by the United States in the U.N. Following the U.N. mandate of 1947, Israel declared statehood on May 14, 1948. This is the generation to which Jesus undoubtedly spoke of.

By the year 1948, the leaves of the tree began to shoot forth. Expressed differently, the tree of national Israel had grown to the point that it was recognized as viable and strong, largely made possible through the support of the United States. The book of Micah expresses the same thought as did Jesus in his famous discourse. He speaks as the plaintive voice of national Israel at the time of judgment, when the tiny nation faces the persecution of a massive world system during the Great Tribulation. When the nations spring forth as trees, the harvest judgment is near. This is the generation of which Jesus spoke.

This brings us back to the Hebrew expression L' Dor Acharon. It is most important to understand that ha dor ha acharon can just as easily be translated as "the last generation," since the word "Acharon" means "hindmost, last in order, last of a series," or simply "last." This is a reference to the generation that would return to Israel, there to be charged with the responsibility surveying and restoring the ancient Temple Mount. It is the "last generation."

Interestingly, the Bible foretold the "fall of the towers" in reference to the "last generation" using the Hebrew term "Acharon" for the "time to come," a passage mentioned in Isaiah 30:8." Was the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York a biblical sign of the last generation? Indeed it was. See links below.



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