Biden Successful or Not

3 years ago

Biden Leading America into What?
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Biden and his administration has pulled off something I never thought I'd see, he ordered the Military to violate established military planning and totally abandon, Americans, Allies, and at the same time arm our enemies in Afghanistan, putting not only the U.S. at risk but the entire Free World, even though they and most Americans were opposed to the Disorderly Withdrawal and caused the Death of 13 of Our Children and more wounded, and left Thousands who aided us to be tortured and killed by the Taliban.

This operation Biden and his cohorts have managed to pull off, I believe this is like the others such as funding schools to violate state laws, CDC to mandate rules totally circumventing the Congress, Open Borders with infected Illegals, Refugees from Afghanistan without Vetting them, this however is perhaps the worse as if Biden's Managers decide to Rule us in the Future they've now proven the Pentagon will go along willingly and perhaps even those serving will follow the orders from on top to Rule by Decree, as they've been indoctrinated for Decades not to Confront but to follow orders.

We as Americans now live in the most Dangerous times ever, and the question I have for All is what will we do when they decide to possibly calling off next Year's Elections or pull off the same Fraud in 2022 Primaries to prevent the Incumbent Career Politicians from being removed no matter the party, will we just complain or take Real Action, I for one am not certain what the American People will do, as I've watched far to many of us comply with every Dictate that's come from DC or Governor's over the last couple of years Violating All Our God Granted Rights in the Name of Security, which our Founders warned us about when they said, If you give up a little Freedom for Security soon you'll have Neither, I do believe we must begin to ask Ourselves what we'll do and prepare for the worse because I do believe it's on the Way.

We're in a Political Civil War of GOOD vs. Evil, and the choices you make in the 2022 Primary election cycle are critical to the outcome of All Americans Rights, Freedoms & Liberties, and the One Tool we have is to speak out against it, and find others in our midst who'll run for office to remove the Career Politicians who claim to be Con-servatives, when the only thing they want to conserve is their Careers and not Our God Granted Rights and Freedoms.

The Following Statement was made by Pres. Obama, at
an International meeting while he was President; As for the International Order we have worked for Generations to Build, ordinary men & women are to small minded to govern their own affairs, that order and progress can only come when ordinary individuals surrender their Rights to and All Powerful Sovereign. Here's the Link to President Obama at an International Meeting, hopefully FB hasn't blocked it again.

I have been listening to people say we must respect what others think, I'm a Christian my position was laid out for me Centuries ago which is, God said Be a Respecter of no Man & in Romans 12:17 says clearly to Respect what is Right, and all through the Proverbs it tells me to Stay Away from Evil, which is why I'll never Vote for the Better of Two Evils, as I've said for years, this is the Theology I follow and it allows me to Sleep very Well.

I pray you'll Share to bring Americans into Reality, and Stand Up Now or we won't be able to Turn this Around later Dooming Our Children, Grandchildren, and Generations into a Lifetime of Marxist Slavery, as we live in the most Dangerous Time of any Generation in American History, the Time of America's Restoration or Total Demise.

America was founded on Christian Biblical Principles, however by what has taken place in the past years and presently in DC is proving that is no longer true, unless those called by His Name Repent and Turn from their Wicked Ways so God can Heal their Land our futures are doomed, how much Farther will Believers in the USA Fall?

You can look us up on,,,https://,,,, and of course our website:, as we reach out to new sources and insure against being blocked by the Socialist Media Giants.

God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk

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