Ep. 5: What Happened in the 2020 Election?

2 years ago

This episode included some video clips that give an emotional "wake up call" to what happened last November. I would also encourage you to do your own research and look into more specifics of what happened and come to your own conclusion.

Feel free share this video with friends by sending them this link...or you can share the short video or the longer video that were inside this episode (see links below). This message needs to get out! We need to wake more people up to what is happening! That said, please do not post this video publicly on your social media.

The Shorter Video Link: https://rumble.com/vc76i7-how-to-steal-an-election-banned-on-twitter.html

The Longer Video Link https://home.frankspeech.com/tv/video/your-wake-call-help-save-our-country-share-everywhere (they are encouraging people to download and share this video)

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Until The Nets Are Full,

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