Spike Protein Genetically-Modified Bioweapon - Peter McCullough, MD, MPH

2 years ago

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There have been Crimes against Humanity that have been filed, against the major stakeholders, and the stakeholders all line up for:

- The Suppression of Early Treatment
- The Promotion of Lockdowns and Reductions of Civil Liberties
- Mass-Vaccination

The opposite side of that is "The Heroes" Pushing for:

- Early Treatment
- Transparency of Science
- Rational Vaccination & Vaccine Safety


The virus is a ball, there are spikes on the surface, the spike normally has a limited functionality to it. The furin cleavage was genetically-modified so that when it interacted with human cells, it could actually allow the viral entry and become much more dangerous. There is also some RNA code in the spike protein that codes for HIV. So we know the spike protein itself had to be constructed by man - it wasn't naturally-occurring. Probably in the Chinese lab with some intellectual property and financial assistance from the USA and others.

The vaccines are using this designer spike protein - how this toxicity continues.

Interesting is all the generic variations in the virus 'once it left the lab'. The original Wuhan spike protein - that was tough. High mortality. It's progressively got weaker and weaker. But all these mutations all pepper right around that spike protein code - that furin cleavage joint - that's where all the action is.

So man made the spike protein a bad thing. And nature is rendering it much more benign. So nature is taking care of the mis-doings of mankind.

Book mentioned:

Peter Breggin MD
COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey.

Investigative Journalists mentioned:

Whitney Webb
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_whitneywebb

Watch full interview:

Video from Episode 3: Vaccine Pushers "Driving False Narratives"

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