Little Girl Shows How Brave She Is During Her Surgery

3 years ago

Leading up to this day, I was a hot mess about this surgery. Not so much because of the actual procedure but because she is my baby, and they are working on her sweet little eyes to help her see better, and any surgery can have it's complications.

Meadow has been seeing her Ophthalmologist since she was one year old for her Strabismus and Amblyopia.
She was prescribed her first pair of glasses to help with the farsightedness in hopes they would also correct her eyes from turning inward, but after 9 months, the crossing persisted and got worse, affecting her vision to see clearly. Strabismus is when the eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object. The eye that is focused on an object can alternate. So when this is happening, two different images are sent to the brain -- one from each eye which confuses the brain. In babies, the brain may learn to ignore the image from the weaker eye, which could eventually lead to her losing complete vision in the weaker eye being her (left) eye, which is what was happening with Meadow and why we moved forward with the surgery.

Meadow has been such a trooper through this whole process. 24 hours we didn’t get to see our baby girl's eyes. Here’s dad giving her a pep talk letting her know how tough she is, and then she did it! Even in discomfort, she’s still smiling, being her silly self. Thank you to everyone who has reached out and kept Meadow in your thoughts and prayers💕 our baby girl is so loved we’re so blessed❤️

Credit/Instagram: @gabriellemonfils

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