
2 years ago


The “new world order” wants you in a state of oblivion
trans human obedient puppets and subservient slaves
Work your fingers to the bone so they may gain wealth
trapped in this invisible prison on the way to our graves

You won’t even be allowed to own your own possessions
they want it all and will leave you with nothing in the dust
They seek totalitarian control of your body mind and soul
psychopathics spew deceptions you are suppose to trust

Ignorance will befall many and lure into false redemption
one world order domination ruled by self appointed elite
Maniacal manipulation bought with our toil and our blood
expectations are that we will fall and worship at their feet

Total domination sought by insanely demonic officials
they are called out and revealed for all to see every day
Subjugation can no longer bind the masses like before
the every day human arises and we have much to say

Intimidation plans backfiring as all the world is awakened
satanic followers attempt domination and they want it all
The battle of good and evil rages right in our own faces
truth and liberal free thinkers shall see a fall of the cabal

Patriotic Poet


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