Abandoning American Citizens in Afghanistan

2 years ago

[00:30] Victory Lap (16 minutes)

Joe Biden and his administrators are taking a victory lap right now, congratulating themselves on how they handled the Afghanistan failure. The reality is, as my father stated in a program he recorded yesterday, this shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan is going to “mar our history … perhaps for the rest of time.”

[16:30] Afghans Left Behind (9 minutes)

For 20 years, Afghan interpreters helped America maintain order and stability in Afghanistan. One interpreter even helped rescue Joe Biden from grave danger back in 2008. That hero is now stuck and hiding in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. He is pleading for Joe Biden to rescue him and his family.

[25:00] Keeping Americans From Leaving (10 minutes)

In the closing hours of America’s shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan, several American citizens frantically approached the gates of the Kabul airport, waving their U.S. passports at Marines and pleading for help. They were desperately seeking to flee the terrorist state. But the State Department and their command chain had spoken: No more evacuations. American citizens were turned away from the gate by their own government.

[35:00] The Big Picture of Prophecy (6 minutes)

Amid all of the shame and chaos in recent weeks, it’s important to keep God’s perspective on where these earthshaking events are leading. Your Bible prophesies of many cataclysmic events to occur just before the spectacular return of Jesus Christ to this Earth.

[41:05] The Trouble With Education (13 minutes)

What is wrong with our modern system of education today? All of this knowledge and advancement in technology—and yet so much evil, suffering and death. Why?

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