So far 150,000 of you have signed the petition to stop the deadly use of driftnets, but we still

2 years ago

need more signatures to ban this horrific practice. The swordfish fishery off the coast of California is one of the most destructive in the world – the enormous driftnets it uses kill hundreds of thousands of marine animals every year. The nets routinely entangle dolphins, sharks, turtles, and other endangered wildlife as a casualty of the industry. There’s a reason the miles-long nets are known as ‘walls of death’. ⁠

These deathnets are already banned in state waters, but we need to urgently push for a ban in federal waters as well. Sign the petition at the link in our bio and add your name to the swell of people standing up to demand better for California’s ocean life. You can also sign it at ⁠

Signing the petition is a simple act we can all take to change the future for our ocean. It’s not too late to change course but we need to act now and encourage others to join us. Please share the campaign on your social channels! We’re grateful for every single signature. ⁠

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