2 years ago

"And says the Spirit of the Lord this day

There is much blood on the hands of your leaders oh America that the time has come for an account, Oh America I have given you a window to repent and call out to ME and I will answer you and more are crying out to ME and looking to ME for the answer says the Lord, there has been a changing of the tides in the Spirit and you shall see evidence of this in the natural as I shall shake the administration I shall shake their president and vice and secretary of state I shall shake this unholy union says the Lord for they have spilled much blood and now much shall be required of them for it as the Kingdom shall be torn away from Saul says the Lord of Hosts and just when Athaliah thinks it is up for grabs something unprecedented in your nation shall occur as I the Lord raise leaders up and I cause them to fall for they have desecrated what is Holy they have mocked My authority they have praised the gods of gold and silver, and principalities, oh belthshazzar the hand is coming for the writing on the wall is at hand.


You shall be judged and found wanting and those propping you up shall be judged as well for this is a shadow presidency within a shadow government says the Lord this day a prop a ruse and puppets are indeed disposable says the Lord thy god this day.

I shall make a spectacle of them as the people return unto Me, it is not a man that shall save you oh America it is by My power and outstretched arm you shall be redeemed and washed and cleansed as a river of blood has run through your nation that I the Lord am damming up their channels and avenues and quarries (remember that word) and I shall dry up your supply of what you take power from says the Lord thy God this day."

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