Dr Andrew Kaufman and Dr Thomas Cowan - What does "ISOLATED" mean? 72777

3 years ago

What does "ISOLATED" mean? and Has this happened concerning the imaginary thing called SARS-CoV-2 (aka Corona "virus")?

This video was nicely and respectfully done by Dr Kaufman and Dr Cowan, they lay out the facts and intellectually behave like REAL scientists, and simply put, they make sense. If ever they don't make sense, I promise I'll flip on them and call them out in a microsecond as I have Mercola and some of the others who've shown their true colors. I mention Mercola because this is Dr's Kaufman and Cowan's classy response to Mercola's unsubstantiated denigration of their research which clearly proves that NOBODY has ever scientifically isolated and thus proven that sars-cov-2 even exists.

To be clear, I've followed Dr Mercola for decades and I once trusted him implicitly (and blindly I might add).{V8 forehead smack} Sadly, Mercola has exposed himself as a gatekeeper and shills for the mainstream medicine/science' unfounded "germ/virus Theory" by continually validating that contagious "viruses" exist, even though the evidence shows that such a thing doesn't exist. I believe Mercola has some good research about the value of vitamins and minerals in individual health care and I follow some of his recommendations to this day with success; but his lock-step stance on "contagious viruses" shows his hand. To be a "gatekeeper" of something, you have to maintain the APPEARANCE that you are against the system in OTHER areas and have the APPEARANCE that you are being persecuted for it, that's how that grift works, that's how con-men gain CONfidence of their "marks" - he checks all those boxes. He's either incompetent as a medical scientist and has fallen for the indoctrination of his evil peers which he SEEMS to be against in so many other areas of "medicine", except "viruses", OR, he is precisely what he looks and smells like, a gatekeeper for "germ/virus Theory" (If the truth about this "virus" fraud ever reaches a critical mass of the population, their fraudulent MEDICAL MONEY MACHINE along with public trust in "science" and "medicine" would be destroyed.(wouldn't that be awesome ;)) Truth be said, the minion "they's" only care about the $$$). But whichever of those two scenarios is true of Mercola, it saddens me and I no longer trust his judgement, so anything he says needs to be critically sifted through. Personally, knowing what I know, I just assume not be burdened with trying to discern whether a known con-man is is conning me or not. I've had con-men as "friends" in the military and it is quite tedious to figure out when they are lying.

The bad thing about this fake-demic is that a lot of people have been hurt in many ways by it and now many are getting diseases or dying from the injections that they were conned into believing prevents that thing that DOES NOT EVEN EXIST!

The good thing about this fake-demic is that those who have the eyes to see and just a little good sense have learned just how badly we have been deceived about "medicine" and "healthcare" our entire lives; AND, because of the nature of this specific fake-demic con, many many "doctors", "scientists", "journalists" and celebrities have completely OUTED themselves as being complicit in the con. There's only two reasons they'd do such a thing, GREED $$$$
and/or they BELIEVE in "The Great Work" which is an evil satanic doctrine of the occult which ends in "THEM" dominating the world, eliminating all believers in Yeshua, and placing luciifer as their "god".
No, I'm not kidding; that is what they believe.

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