Near-Death Experience - Howard Storm - The Future Of The World

3 years ago


"The world that they showed me in the near future, in a couple hundred years from now, is a world that is difficult for me to understand or accept. What I saw had no visible signs of technology. If there was technology, they hid it from me -- or it was so subtle that I couldn't even see it . . . I assumed the future would be a world of high technology and they showed me a world of not low technology, but NO technology. Where people's relationship with God, with the creation, and with one another was so intense that human beings controlled the weather of the planet -- not just for the welfare of human beings, but for the welfare of the entire planet. Everybody in the world was telepathically connected to everybody else in the whole world. People raised food by simply meditating or thinking about the food and the food would just grow. They would then pick it and eat it . . . It was not instantaneous, but it happened before your eyes. Cabbage would grow from a seed to a full-grown cabbage in a matter of a few minutes.

"People lived in small communities. People could move from community to community, freely, if they wanted to. Most people didn't move around very much. Some communities put an emphasis on music. Some communities put an emphasis on science. Some communities put an emphasis on celebration, liturgy, worship. Some communities spent their time on physical relaxation and enjoyment, sports, and that sort of thing. Some communities were very contemplative and did seemingly very little. Some communities were very active and were very much engaged with their environment, sort of what we would call gardeners, but they were literally environmental sculptors, making these very beautiful places with the vegetation and the geology around them. Different communities had different emphases, but they lived in total harmony with the flora and fauna around them and in complete harmony with one another. The main emphasis of every community was the individuals in the community and most especially the children.

"When people had experienced what they felt was their full life experience, there would be a great celebration, and they would lay down and die and their souls, their spirits would be raised up to heaven. Dying was not seen as a sad thing, or grievous thing. It was a joyous time. It was celebrated as a birth.

"People ate simply. Dressed simply. From what I was shown, there were no possessions other than the clothes on their back and a few simple instruments like musical instruments, or tools, or things like that which were pretty much shared communally.

"It was a world that’s very difficult for me to make any sense of, because there was great happiness. There was very little suffering. There was no disease, because people, with laying on of hands, could heal diseases immediately. The only real suffering that they showed me was sometimes people felt a sense of separateness. And the community would allow these people to feel that, but they would pray for that person, they would surround that person with love and bring that person back into the community. So it was possible for people to move a little bit away from the spirit of the community, but they were brought back into the community. No one was left, no one was ever lost for very long. It was important sometimes for people to feel; to appreciate what they had, they needed to lose a little bit of it once and awhile.

"The spirit of Christ lived in every heart -- fully and completely. It’s a world that is so unlike the world that we live in. How can we ever get there? But they showed me that this is the world that God envisions for us and it’s not that far away."


Learn more about Near-Death Experiencer Howard Storm:

My Descent Into Death: A Second Chance at Life (2005)


Included in:

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven


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