3 years ago

Rose Koia Talks about Agenda 21 The control of all Resources. Her specialty was in imamate domain.

The climate change agenda isn’t about saving the planet; it's about controlling people,
which will be achieved through new CO*VI*D-19-style medical and climate lockdowns and the passing of regulations restricting basic human rights like freedom of movement,
freedom of expression, freedom of travel, right to own property, right to bear arms, etc.
It is a global agreement made by 179 nations as a United Nations plan, in 1992, under the name
‘United Nations Agenda for the 21st Century’.

They will block off segments of highways and roads at regular intervals. Those who are vaccinated will still be unable to travel freely without good reason.
Those who are NOT va**inated will soon no longer be allowed to cross state lines.

Using ‘Sustainable Development’ as an agenda-key for a NATIONAL CONTROL PLAN, the Shadow Government (Department of Defense & Intelligence Agencies) and Deep State (Military/Industrial Complex) are seeking to control all land,
all property rights,
all water rights,
all mineral rights,
all plants,
all animals,
all construction,
all means of production,
all food,
all energy and all means of information,
the federal government will seek to restrict and censor all vectors of humanity using emergency climate change and Covid-19 medical powers as a grounds to suddenly overthrow most all basic human rights in America.

They are seeking to move people into population zones away from rural areas, effectively turning America into electronic concentration camp and, if you understand the technology, into psychotronic control zones where people can be more easily monitored and controlled.

There are a lot of ways to effectively lock you down without even passing laws to do so, such as increasing prices on travel, gasoline, even basic necessities, such as food, electricity, etc.

The American Shadow Government (Intelligence Agencies & Department of Defense) will turn great swaths of rural America into so-called travel restriction zones and declare reduced travel zones over other less populated rural areas of the country; by the declaration of a falsified climate emergency and a fabricated medical necessity in lieu of new COVID-19 variants the Shadow Government will be able to bypass basic human rights and democratic institutions and order states and federal agencies to mandate those lockdown zones using emergency state and federal powers, effectually by-passing the U.S. Congress.

A national climate emergency declaration,
which Hawaii has already declared will soon be instituted on the national level in specific regions of America and is coming on the heels of new Co*vid-19 medical style lockdowns and restrictions

Public Law 105–85
People scoff at the idea, but they need to look at the law in place: Public Law 105–85, Section 1078, passed Nov. 17, 1997, gives the government permission to spray whatever they want over us unless we express in writing that we do not consent within 30 days since it was made public, our silence and ignorance of this gave them the consent.

There are over 100 patents concerning the geoengineering program.
This is a soft-kill genocide program that is killing our immune system and the ability to fight off infections and disease.
We are breathing in this poison, and there is no ventilation system that can keep it out of our air conditioning or heating system.

Agenda 21 — Sustainable Development

What is UN Agenda 21? - The Post Sustainability Institute

The Plan to Depopulate 95% of The World
Courtesy of the wayback machine

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