Near-Death Experience - Amy Call - The Cable Guys

2 years ago


"I remember after my experience I had the simplest situation where two cable guys showed up at my house . . . What I discovered was the Divine having a sense of humor. Things are funny. The two cable guys show up at the house and they were wearing their uniforms for work and they were there to hook up the cable for the TV. My husband had made an appointment and he had to go to work right after my NDE. [He] was very busy taking care of the family, and so I was at home in this state with kids just trying to figure out how to function. And the cable guys show up and when I opened the door, I saw them how the Divine sees them and I couldn’t stop laughing. I was trying not to be rude but to me they looked like -- if you imagine little kids going into the closet and trying clothes on and trying to look really serious and showing up at the door and be like 'We’re the cable guys.' I can’t describe it. I was like 'Oh, OK.' I brought them in, and they were just really serious about their job like, 'We’re here to hook up the TV.' To me it was just so funny because I was so disconnected from things like watching TV, and watching football, or sitcoms . . . I just didn’t realize that this appointment was coming and while they were hooking it up, they were asking me really simple questions like 'OK, so what channel do you want? Do you want ESPN? Do you want the cartoon channel?' Everything they were asking me was busting me up.

"I got to where I felt like I was being rude, because they have an important job. There’s nothing that isn’t important. Everything that people do is part of their own vital experience, and it’s all beautiful really. It’s just that it felt totally different to me. I had to actually -- I told them I’m really sorry; I think I’m sick or something. And one of the guys said, 'Did you take some NyQuil?' And I was wiping the tears and blowing my nose, and I finally said, 'You know what, you guys can hook up anything you want, because I need to leave the room.' And so, I had to leave, because I knew at some point it was going to look like I was being rude...

"I saw people from then on the way we see toddlers when they’re playing. I see that despite how we age here -- we get older and we take ourselves seriously and we think, you know, I have this important thing I’m doing -- but the Divine is like: 'Lighten up. It’s OK, you can lighten up.' And I tend to be so serious from what I came from. I worry so much. I thought things were so serious, and I wanted to please God, and I prayed so much, and now through the Divine I was seeing that it’s totally OK to just have fun and laugh. I was laughing so much, I was wheezing..."


Since she was 17 years old, Amy Call suffered from chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia. In 2003, after suffering an allergic reaction to a medication that her doctor had prescribed, Amy felt her body go numb. Her nasal passages swelled up and she couldn’t breathe, or call out for help. A couple minutes later, the struggle was over. Amy felt herself be sucked out of the top of her head and her profound, insightful, and deeply inspiring near-death experience began.

Amy Call's near-death experience is one of the most fabulous NDEs ever recorded. You can listen to her full account by going here:

To learn more about Amy Call, go here:


Portions of Amy's near-death experience are included in:

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven


Heavenly Humor In Near-Death Experiences


Learn about near-death experiences:

What Near-Death Experiences Teach Us

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Near-Death Experiences From Around The World

Historical & Cross-Cultural Near-Death Experiences

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven

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