Near-Death Experience - Rene Jorgensen - The Full Consequences Of My Actions

2 years ago


"The life review continued all the way down to third grade where there was a moment that I had totally forgotten -- I'm 27 at this point and this was in third grade . . . It was an instant during a break in school. I was teasing a smaller girl . . . I'm now seeing this event play out in front of me and I'm seeing her standing against the wall and I'm going like 'na nan nan nan na na' -- teasing her and calling her names . . . And she's standing against the wall crying . . . And now I'm on the receiving end, meaning I'm her! And I'm feeling . . . the pain of my hurtful actions on her; I'm feeling how it feels for her to receive my actions that are very hurtful. And not only am I feeling her sorrow and her pain, but I am also sensing and understanding how my actions are impacting her future life. I'm now seeing, sensing, and feeling that she will become much more shy and introverted for the rest of her life because of my actions. But not only do I sense and feel that, I also feel the pain and sorrow in her parents because she's now going to turn out as a more shy and inward person. So I'm really feeling the full consequences -- not just that my actions are changing the life of this little girl, but I am also feeling . . . how my actions caused ripples far away, not just in her life, but in her parents’ lives, in her whole family, also in everyone around her. So I really get a full spectrum of the full consequences -- all the links in the chain -- to . . . spending a few minutes in a schoolyard teasing a girl."


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