Mona Hasegawa - Pfizer Adverse Reaction

2 years ago

Mona Hasegawa

Pfizer 24th April 2021

Severe Adverse Reaction
Disabled - Cannot Walk
Attacks that affect her Brain
Mona Explains all in her Video

Mona had the first dose of the Pfizer vaccination on April 24 2021. Shortly after her vaccination she ended up in a wheelchair. Only able to walk short distances to the bathroom. She has multiple attacks every day and it has started to affect her brain.

She has been in and out of hospital weeks at a time with no treatment that can fully treat her.

Failed by the medical community the family are now looking at different at other options that are costly like cell treatment, ozone treatment, detoxification.

As with many damaged victims Mona has seen a great improvement on the Cyclic Ivermectin Protocol that reduces the spike protein.

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