Stevie Thrasher - Pfizer Adverse Reaction

2 years ago

Stevie Thrasher

Pfizer: 27th April 2021

Severe Adverse Reactions:
Chronic fatigue, Muscle Weakness
Muscle Pain, Lightheaded, dizzy
Full Body Tremors
Full Body Paralysis Episodes

Age: 29 Year Old

Stevie received the Pfizer Vaccine on April 27th and started having severe side effects starting May 3rd.

Her symptoms started as chronic fatigue, muscle weakness and fatigue, muscle pain, lightheaded, dizzy. and progressed to full body tremors and full body paralysis episodes.

She went to 4 different ERs, 10 total ER visits, GP 3 times, neurologist 3 times, naturopath once. had MRI, CT scans, extensive blood work with nothing found besides an ANA blood test result indicating a possible autoimmune disorder. Despite violently tremoring in front of them.

Puyallup, WA

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