Wayne Cunnington - AstraZeneca Adverse Reaction

3 years ago

Wayne Cunnington

AstraZeneca 22nd February 2021

Severe Adverse Reaction: Brain Tissue Damage, Prognosis: MS and/or Dementia

Wayne's Video and story in his own words:
I got Brain Tissue Damage as a direct result of my covid vaccine.
It took me 2 weeks to be taken seriously by my doctors and by the time a GP finally told me to go for an examination - I was dizzy, had crashing headaches, mentally confused, slurring my words, and had trouble walking.

On immediate examination by my doctor he called me an ambulance and was in agreement with a paramedic for me to exaggerate my condition to get seen more in-depth but when they took my blood pressure it was 203/120 and I was then told not to worry as that was serious enough. Bearing in mind I was already in a seriously bad way as the doctor said to me on arrival.

I was admitted to hospital for 11 days where I had CT Scans, MRI’s, Deep Opthalmic scans of my eyes and a lumber puncture of which the last 2 weren’t needed they told me as clear evidence of the brain tissue damage was seen on the MRI’s which I have actually seen myself in a more recent Neurological appt.

On 2 separate occasions consultants have told me that they see as likely in my future a prognosis of MS and/or Dementia.

Since discharge from hospital my meds have been continually altered to counteract the ever increasing fluctuations in bp and headaches to that I’m now taking 5 separate bp meds which makes a total of 10 which includes pain relief and migraine medications.

A more recent MRI was called for to further investigate a possible progression of the damage due to the drastically increased meds over the last few months which I also fear is occurring. I’m awaiting results of these as to hopeful next steps.

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